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Reverse Engineering Services- Data Model for Product Modification

Reverse engineering is the process of giving out a system, device or object to view the different parts of this object and try to understand how each of them work with the others to create one functional unit. This process is necessary because people have been able to understand how technology operates and you it can be applied and maximized. It is possible to make improvements through applied technology innovations, making inventions even better.


Traditionally, reverse engineering services used analog and GPS scanning technology to gather spatial data of operating systems and objects. Today, most engineering companies use laser scanners for this process.


The 3D laser scanners offer several advantages over the traditional scanning methods especially when it comes to the time and cost of scanning. Reverse engineering services use laser scanners for a variety of applications but in each case, the scanning results are used to produce models that allow the company to fabricate objects with relative ease. The models include the hybrid surface models, the parametric, and shrinkwrap surface models.


Parametric Models

Parametric models convert ideal data from scanned data, and can ignore or incorporate  manufacturing defects. This means that the parameters used in the parametric model are expressed in finite-dimensional parameter spaces distinguishing them from nonparametric models, semiparametric models, and semi-nonparametric models. Parametric models are used whenever 2D drawings are required when a product's surface must be smooth, when the parts will be built on a scanned part, or when the scanning data will be conceptually modified. Know more about 3D Modeling for Plants.


Hybrid Surface Model

As is the case with the parametric models, the hybrid surface models can change the ideal data from scanned data, and can incorporate or ignore any manufacturing defects. The hybrid surface model is ideal when an object's change needs re-trimming or must be a class A-surfaced. Just as their name suggests, the hybrid surface models are used to modify object's surface and are therefore suitable when superficial modifications are part of an object. The the hybrid  surface mode is ideal for 2D drawings when the object's surface finish must be smooth, and when building on or around a scanned object.


Shrinkwrap Surface Model

These models are used in capturing objects in their original form inclusive of their production defects making them ideal for designing parts that can accommodate the as-built models. There are three type of shrink wrap models--surface subset models, which are used to create a collection of outside surfaces and datum figures; solid faceted models, which are used to provide an approximate representation of the original item; and the subset surface models used to approximate the visual representation of the initial object. To understand more about reverse engineering, visit

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